Linux file system hierarchy and basic commands
/ is the root folder. It contain other folders such as root, home, usr, etc, dev, var, bin, boot, run, sbin, tmp./root : Home directory for the super user. i.e., root
/home: Home directory for regular users where there personal data's are stored.
/usr : Installed software, shared libraries, include files and static read only program data.
/etc : All the configuration files are stored here.
/dev : All the device files are listed here.(All hardware are treated as file in Linux)
/var : Files that dynamically change (variables). All log files are found in this directory.
/tmp : Contains temporary files. Files older than ten days are deleted automatically in all Linux systems.
Some basic commands and its uses
touch: Used to create an empty file of any type.
syntax: touch <filename.type>
eg: touch newfile.txt
This command will create an empty file newfile.txt in the present working directory.
eg: touch /home/newfile.txt
This command will create an empty file newfile.txt in the home directory.
cd: This command is used to change working directory.
syntax: cd <path>
eg: cd /etc/var
This command changes the present working directory to /etc/var
pwd: This command shows the present working directory.
syntax: pwd
mkdir: This command is used to make a new directory
syntax: mkdir <directoryname>
eg: mkdir newdirectory
This command will create a new directory on present working directory.
eg: mkdir /home/newdirectory
This command will create a new directory in home directory.
ls: This command is used to list all the files and directories in pwd.
syntax: ls [option]
eg: ls -l
this command will list all the files and folders in the pwd.